How To Work Offline On Google Chrome???????

Google Chrome is known is known as one of the best Web Browser made by Google. It’s improving in every new update. But Chrome lacks behind Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox because of one feature i.e. Work Offline feature.
Both Internet Explorer and Firefox have Work Offline feature while Google Chrome doesn’t have. The offline mode automatically saves a copy of all webpages when you browse on Internet. This Offline mode allows you to access webpages when you are not connected to Internet. This feature is very useful in flight where you are not able to accessed Internet.
Earlier Google Chrome browser doesn’t have offline mode support but now recent versions of Google Chrome support offline browsing mode. Through this option user can easily access cached version of webpages which are hidden very deep inside the setting.
To Enable Offline mode in Google Chrome, type “chrome://flags/” without quotes to access featured pages and then find “Enable Offline Load Stale Button” option.
Then Click on “Enable” option provide below the stale button and Restart your Browser.
Now if in any case you are not able to connect to Chrome browser, the browser will show you an option for loading “stale copy” only if the page is available in local cache.
Google Chrome caches images, HTML, the CSS stylesheets and JavaScript associated with webpage as you are working offline. The processed webpage will look same as the original webpage.
Note : The Offline Mode feature is only Available in latest versions of Google Chrome i.e. Chrome v36. If you have old version of chrome installed in your device this feature is not available in that version.
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